Tuesday, December 07, 2004

All systems go!

OK I just spent the whole night getting the various bits of my blog site up and running. Thanks to Tim and Andrew who helped with that --> see their blogs on the side. (Except Tim's which is still down).

I think its come to a general consensus that Blogger is very cool, no matter how pointless it seems to be writing a personal journal to everyone and noone. For we who love CSS and HTML it is paradise.
(Also very excited by the <blockquote> I used last time. Think I'll keep that up! Oh and the use of &lt; and &gt; to simulate <blockquote> - brilliant! And the use of &amp; to simulate '&'... Heheh this is kinda recursive.)

I just added some links also to the sidebar which link to the two websites I run. The first, EMS' Relto is my Myst fansite. I'm a huge Myst/Riven/Exile/D'ni/Uru/Revelation (MREDUR) fan. You can read about my obsession with the games and various other information about them there.

The second, Summit Interactive, is my "company" (and I use the term loosely) through which I make games - my passion for gaming and programming combined. I've written 2 free games in Visual Basic which you can download. Currently I'm writing more games and graphics engines with the wonders of Visual Studio .NET.

So thats a little explanation. Time for another Homer quote:
"Ahh they have the Internet on computers now!"
- Homer Simpson

Lol - just realised theres a <blockquote> button on this toolbar here.


At 1:26 am, Blogger Tim Cuthbertson said...

Silly bugger, oh and your < is off... but i think you probably already fixed it...

At 1:40 am, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Nah it was the > that was off - I was trying to explain how I used the HTML tags to make the page display have HTML code in it, and thus had to find a way to write the HTML tags by writing &lt; to keep the tag. It now appears the way i want it.
(Now considering this is going to be put into an HTML page, I wonder if all those tags will be made into real tags and thus this comment will appear quite nonsensical. Moreso.)

At 2:41 am, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

It appears fine to me, my friend and fellow MREDUR fan. Well, even if our blogs don't appear in the search functions at least some of us know they exist! It's such a cool way to be able to post your daily thoughts. A virtual dump of your mind. You get to see all the poop and stuff in there LOL.. ha ha :D TTYL, bud


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