Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Get out already, Snorlack!

Many of you may know in 2000 I started my first game Snorlack's Treasure which is a text-based RPG game. And it was *basically* finished by December 2000, but then the final touches dragged on and on and on and here we are, 4 years later, with a whole nother game out, and its still going! I would give up, but I'm so close now... just have to balance about half the monsters in the game. Over the past few months, I did all the spells, weapons, classes, gems, and various other gameplay things.

Its a pity its a text game because it is so rich in content. Nobody appreciates it though :P Still, it must be finished. In 2000 I released version 2.00b on December 12, my birthday. And in 2001 I set the release date for version 3.01b as December 12, 2001. Thats the version I'm still working on now! So this time I must not fail. December 12, 2004 will be the final beta release of Snorlack's Treasure!

But I'm sitting here with my blog on my desktop PC and Snorlack on my laptop, and its really not fun to have to test and configure all those little stats! Hrmph, back to work!

Snorlack's Treasure Website: snorlack.summitinteractive.cjb.net

In other news, did anyone notice Google groups? Theres a link to it on the main Google page now. I didn't see it yesterday. So either its brand new or I'm blind. Well it looks like a brilliant community, also ties in with gmail very well. I checked it out. Went to the games programming section and helped out some guy asking about pointers. Did I overload him? heheheh...
Well it will be interesting to see how g-groups pans out.

Now time to get back to work... But first:
"Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie, and one to listen."
- Homer Simpson


At 2:41 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Google-groups update: I guess the answer is I'm blind.
Because if you go to www.google.com.au you see a link to the "old" google-groups, which is like a usenet thing.
The www.google.com link has the *new* sticker on it because it links to a beta version of a much nicer new Google-groups. Well anyway, I like the look of that one.


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