Religion can be fun!
Yes, it can!
You just need to find the right one. For instance, this week (read: tuteology) at uni, it is Bahá'í week. I got a sausage and a drink, and all it cost me was four Random Acts of Kindness1 and a burnt mouth (one I have paid off, the other is still burning).
Nice friendly-looking religion there, but not "fun" in the strictest sense of the word. So our search continues. Now, tonight, I happened to stumble upon another religion, which is... well just check it out for yourself:
Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.
Now we're talking!
Followers of this religion believe that the world was created by a giant clump of spaghetti and meatballs - originally the religion was conceived to protest against teaching of Christianity in schools (something which in all seriousness I agree with - children should be allowed to make up their own minds, whether or not there is a God). Now there are untold numbers of "believers" in His Noodlyness.
Oh, and He likes pirates ;)
Official Website
On a semi-related note, His Noodlyness hath instructed me that the word of the day for Moon Day, August 8, 2005 is:
fodgeIn other news, with currently down, my blog is the ultimate vocabulary source on the web!
- To cause untold distruction to your (typically right) index fingernail: Oh my FSM, Mel, you really fodged that!
- To log off MSN really fast without properly saying goodbye or waiting for a response: What the FSM? I just got fodged four times in one night!
- An extremely lame expletive, so lame that Tim will never visit here again: What the fodge? (Synonymous with "what the FSM?", see also: frak1 & others)
1 Oh, and by the way, by an astonishing coincidence "frak" happens to be the cost of a sausage and drink from the Bahá'í club - Four Random Acts of Kindness... creepy!
WTF is FSM????
as for being happens to me all the time. I blame the internet connection.
Thanks for the education part of today's WOTD, my friend. It's so very frinkous of you to do this. Also scary that FRAK is what you have to do.....Yikes!!
"WTF is FSM????"
Err... Flying Spaghetti Monster....
Toria: why does the word "vrafrinkous" change spelling every time you use it? lol
"An extremely lame expletive, so lame that Tim will never visit here again"
Aww now you're just trying to drive me away ;)
I'd say that using "Frak" is worse though. I can imagine few made-up swear words that are so downright lame - it makes me cringe every time I hear it...
Yeah usually I like made up words (U RECKON?), but you're right, "frak" is cringey!
LOL @ FSM! I read this line on that page too
"SPAM: Spaghetti & Pulsar Activating Meatballs, has formed and is calling for a Holy War against FSM"
Now we'll have to worry about SPAM vs. FSM! Yikes, run for cover before the food starts flying! ;)
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