Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Musical Influences

I think everyone loves music of some kind. Everyone has that piece or style they put on when they want to be enlightened. When people ask me what kind of music I listen to, I have to say, "well I don't know exactly what you call it... orchestral maybe?" Because its certainly not a normal thing to have in one's CD collection. I've never been a big "music person" in the modern sense - I don't really *have* a CD collection to speak of, and I usually don't have music on around the house. But I have always loved music and am a very musical person - a composer and appreciator of a great deal of music.

The stuff I do listen to is usually movie and game soundtracks - luckily all my favourite movies and games do have awesome soundtracks - Lord of the Rings (Howard Shore), Star Wars (John Williams), The Matrix (Don Davis), and the games: Myst of course (Robyn Miller, Tim Larkin and Jack Wall), Warcraft (Glen Stafford, Jason Hayes and many others) and right now I'm listening to the Diablo II soundtrack which I downloaded for free (legally and officially) from The Arreat Summit.

Composed by Matt Uelmen, this music is particularly interesting to me at the moment because it is RPG game music. The defining piece here is the Tristram theme from the original Diablo game. A classic, which anyone can instantly associate with everything that is Diablo and really a defining moment for RPG music. It is such a haunting, eerie and beautiful theme about a small town that was slowly corrupted and eventually destroyed by the demonic forces. I recommend you download and have a listen to it here. It was extended by three minutes for Diablo II.

The style of the piece, with the 12-string guitar, flutes and occarina is very beautiful, and something I tried a little bit with the Tiradon and Spiritmoor pieces in Rul'Shath (some very early pieces of mine, Spiritmoor which I like, and Tiradon which I and most people with ears hate). But I am re-experimenting with this style on my keyboard, and it'll be interesting to see what I can make of it in my next game.

"You've changed man! It used to be about the music!"
- Milhouse Van Houten


At 5:20 am, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Your taste in music just shows how we can't be conformed into boxes. Because of your age, people would just assume, yes, listens to rock, rap etc. if they didn't know you. Me, on the other hand, would be expected to listen to classical music, golden oldies :P etc. And yet our music choices show how wrong those artificial boxes are. *As Avril Lavigne sings her heart out here* with Linkin Park coming up next :) Yes, I listen to classical music, game soundtracks etc. but if I'm working on something, I like rock honestly. Sometimes music is what I need to distract myself. Sometimes it soothes me. It always entertains me. Thanks for this thoughtful blog.

At 5:44 am, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Hey, took your advice and d/l'ed the music for Diablo. Very cool! Thx for the tip buddy :)


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