Tuesday, August 09, 2005

WOTD: Dispogee

Meh... I've been better. Since I'm not into posting schloogey emo rubbish on my blog, I'll just affiliate myself with the Word of the Day for Tuesday, August 9, 2005:
  1. The lowest point (depex) reachable in one's emotional scale; quite soggy.

  2. The closest (and yes, i mean touching) point in an orbit from the body being orbited: Holy fodge! That spaceship almost hit a dispogee! (Note: I can joke about this because it didn't).

  3. The point which a once-successful computer game studio which churned out upwards of five games per year reaches when it takes eight years not to release one game: What ever happened to that company Apogee Software? Guess they hit a dispogee!
Compare: apogee, the word.


At 12:53 am, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

"schloogey emo rubbish on my blog"

Awww, well, at least it's a way of venting out your feelings...but yeah I understand. Dispogee sounds interesting, in fact. Thanks for this one!

At 5:10 pm, Blogger Tim Cuthbertson said...

Aww :(

I do like that last definition though.. Also, would it help if I told you I don't want to kill you? Hopefully that makes your world a better place ;)

At 10:53 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Yay! Now I just wish that all my friends had the same disinclination to dispose of me... truly that would be heaven :D

At 11:52 pm, Blogger Celestial Vision said...

Apparently, Julia doesn't want to kill you either.

And, I do believe the opposite of "apogee" should be "perigee".......but I guess "dispogee" has its own meanings :D.


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