Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Power of the Horde

Wooooohyeah! My Warcraft III buddy Jeremy and I got up to some serious 0wnage last night, so I thought I'd blog about it. We've been playing this game as a team (2v2 AT) for over a year now, and we've had many ups and downs. Last night though, we got on and stormed through nine games, winning SEVEN of them! This finally got us up to level 27 (which we had been trying to achieve for months now), saw us pass the 50% win-loss ratio line for just the second time, and earned us the rank of 634th in Lordaeron (one of the four-worldwide servers)!!!

One of the highlights was an epic base-exchange (in which they destroyed my base as we were destroying one of their bases) which ended up in an exciting 1v1 game with Jeremy eventually taking it out.

Here's my profile.
Here's Jeremy's profile.
And here's us sitting on the ladder at 634!
(Of course those pages will change in the future)

The night ended remarkably well when we were planning to play one more game. Then we decided that it was getting a bit late and we wouldn't. So we didn't hit the "Play Game" button. Then, due to a massive storm, the power went out on both our computers. So we were both incredibly relieved we had not hit the "Play Game" button.

Here are some shots of the mashage:
My entire army chases down one very annoying Death Knight. Eventually we got him!
A tremendous battle, one of many that we won.

So there you go. We own. :P Look out,!

"Can you feel it, Thrall? It's like the old days. Like the demons are near!"
- Grom Hellscream


At 4:42 pm, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Awesome :D Good work! That's really fun when gaming goes so well. To have it rewarded is sweet. Well, with that photo your good fortune will always be remembered at least :)
Lucky that you didn't choose to hit Play Game, because, yes, that would record as a loss. Silly but true. I hope you get onto MSN okay later. Looking forward to talking to you :) Cya!

At 5:26 pm, Blogger Andrew said...

sounds like a lot of fun

At 2:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Toria, nice picture I dont think I've ever seen it before. Your portrait seems very wise :) (though it's probably not called a portrait forgive my uru noobism.)

At 2:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

merde "It may take a moment for your comment to appear on the site" hehehe sry

At 1:27 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Lol only one person uses the word "merde" in everyday english speech.

I deleted your double-post.


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