Saturday, February 12, 2005

Matrixism: A religion?

Now heres a piece of craziness!
I love the Matrix. Its a great film with an excellent underlying philosophy. I've even got the Ultimate Matrix DVD Collection and have watched the two guys on commentary chat about the various philosophies and themes of the films. It was very interesting.

But a religion? Well I guess fans will do anything these days:
Matrixism: The Religion of the Matrix
Strange... very strange...
Q: Do I necessarily have to take psychedelics to be a matrixist?
A: No. All that is necessary is for one to recognize psychedelics as a valid method of spiritual practice. Conversely you don't have to necessarily give up drinking alcohol, quit smoking marijuana or stop taking anti-depressants to be a matrixist. What is important is recognizing what these "blue pills" do to your mind.

Oh thats good to know. "Sit down and take your red pill!"
Well, good luck to them.

In other news, I just sat down to watch the second of Ten's two-part Battlestar Galactica "mini-series". (Having never seen Battlestar Galactica before, but of course being aware of the famous Simpsons quote below.) When it got to the last fifteen minutes it didn't really seem like the Cylons were going to be destroyed all that soon. Then it turned out there was a full series coming soon. Yay now I have to watch that too.
Well I won't say its false advertising, but its pretty annoying being "tricked" into watching a two-part series, then having to watch a hole lot more!

And finally, has anyone else been getting spam emails with the word "free" written like this: "fr*ee" ... this is a very dodgy yet clever way to get past the spam filter! And it worked too. (On the gmail spam filter! O_O)

"Tag-team robot wrestling! It's the mighty robots from Battlestar Galactica, versus the gay robots from Star Wars!"
- TV announcer, in the Simpsons
(This is followed by footage of R2-D2 and C-3PO being smashed to pieces in the ring by the Cyloids from Battlestar Galactica)


At 12:19 am, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Hey, I'd never actually heard of this before. That's a strange religion indeed. Great movie. I loved the first one the best. Did they steal the name from ReBoot as Enzo Matrix perhaps? We'll never know. To me, the name "Matrix" has a lot of meanings. I got to know somebody very special and very dear to me who uses that name. For the rest of my life that name will be associated with him.

At 12:21 am, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Actually they stole it from Dr. Who.
Apparently "The Matrix" was a virtual computer environment in Dr. Who. I've never seen it but I read about it on Wiki.

At 12:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say "strange" but it really isn't anymore strange than most other religions wether they be based on books or movies. What's the diff?

At 5:25 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Well firstly, Anonymous, if that *is* your real name, I'm not a supporter of religion at all, so my standpoint is by no means "my religion is superior to the Matrixism religion."

I think its strange that a) this religion is based on a movie designed for entertainment and deep philosophical discussion, whereas most relegions are based on a book or text designed specifically as the basis of that religion. (ie. that's the diff). b) that this religion seems to be based on taking drugs. I may have missed something, but the Matrix was, to me, more than about taking drugs. That was briefly touched on in one or two scenes in the first film.

At 11:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Find teh source.
Just find the source ...

damn electron worshippers
worse than bloody hippies

At 12:38 am, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Ah, but there is nothing wrong with hippies! :) Anyways, Matrixism isn't a main stream religion. I don't think I'm going to worry about it :)

At 12:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I myself fall into the (high tech) hippy category occasionally I'm sure you realise I meant that in a humourous way ;-)

At 3:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The link you have for Matrixism is dead the current website is located at


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