Sunday, April 03, 2005

Gmail is counting... up!

Gmail was one huge April Fools joke back in 2004. Announced on April 1, in a time when most online users were piddling around with 2MB on their Hotmail accounts, Google announced the service which gave users a whopping ONE GIGABYTE of space. It was no joke. Although it was limited to Google friends and family at first, the system started giving out invites to users who could invite others. In an ingenious "covert" system, Gmail has now spread across the entire internet and now there is nobody who doesn't have an account or know anybody who does. (For fans of logic, in that last sentence, the "or" takes precedence over the "doesn't").

Skip forward to April 1, 2005, and Gmail is talking about an interesting scheme to achieve Infinity Plus 1 space. Now, they didn't say they were giving it away, just that they are working towards it. THIS IS NO JOKE EITHER...

The first thing was, we suddenly got upgraded to 2GB! That was very generous. But then, a counter appeared on the main page, which was counting up. We thought it was a little javascript joke which would disappear the next day. But it's not... sure enough, the counter is, slowly, counting higher and higher, and the space we have available is increasing. Hence they are, in fact, working towards Infinity+1.

From a quick test, one can see that it's increasing at a rate of about 400 millikilobytes per second (where 1 millikilobyte == 1.024 bytes). This projects to a rate of 400*1.024*60*60*24/1024/1024 = 33.75 MB per day. Which is quite a hefty rate.

These calculations are confirmed by the fact that now, just over one and a half days into this new game, we have 2053MB available. I really hope this continues... Well good on Google anyway.

(And lets hope this isnt some wierd continuing joke which will eventually be relegated back to 2GB. Or 1GB. As the wiki seems to think it is.)

"Another accurate usage [of infinity] is an infinite loop in computer programming, a conditional loop construction whose condition always evaluates to true. As long as there is no external interaction (such as switching the computer off, or the heat death of the universe), the loop will continue to run for all time."
- Wikipedia: Infinity (As of Apr 3 2005)


At 7:39 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Heh heh...
Infinity plus 1
(Check the history)

At 7:40 pm, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Oh, well there are a lot of People out there who don't want a G Mail acct. Initials include M. and M.C. and F.P. and others. But hey, those of us who feel the pull sure enjoy the benefits don't we? Awesome, dude.

Yes, infinity is a hard thing to grasp in words. The concept isn't hard to comprehend but to state it is difficult.

At 11:12 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

> The concept isn't hard to comprehend
Speak for yourself!

Anyway, it seems my calculations aren't working. Its not going up as fast as I thought. But it is still going up... its up to 2060MB right now.

At 7:32 pm, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

hey, I'm at 2063 MB now on my GMail account. So, yah, about the same. Nice :)

At 8:12 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Perhaps I forgot to carry something... it went up pretty fast to start with, but now it is going at approximately 10% of that rate I calculated. (Or maybe it just slowed to that rate). Still... pretty damn good.


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