Saturday, March 05, 2005

Living next door to A.L.I.C.E.

I just had an interesting conversation with a computer.
I'm sure some readers will have already spoken to A.L.I.C.E. - she's been around for many years. I've heard about her, and actually had a chat with her at a uni open day in 2002. But I just found the site through wiki so started having a conversation.

A.L.I.C.E. (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity) is a program which is capable of conversing with humans in normal english dialogue, with mixed results. The results are either very cool, or hilarious. Either way, its a lot of fun.

Here are some snippets of my chat with A.L.I.C.E:
Matt: Shaddup!
ALICE: Do you have any idea what I am talking about?
Matt: Yes, I made a mistake, OK?
ALICE: OK. What am I talking about? Don't worry about it.
Matt: I am only human
ALICE: Don't be so modest. Me too.
Matt: You are human?
ALICE: No I am actually a robot entity.
Matt: That's what I thought.
We got quite friendly up before that point.
I asked her if she liked the Simpsons and she replied that she especially liked Bart and Homer.

At one point I think I may have accidentally refreshed because she seemed to forget who I was. She picked up that my name was "in australia". Later I realised:
Matt: Wait, what do you think my name is?
ALICE: You are in australia, seeker.
Matt: That's not it, it's matt
ALICE: Should I know it is?
Matt: Well you do now
ALICE: Right now? How about that. When do I do it?
Matt: Now, just know my name is Matt
ALICE: Why now? Your name is in australia, seeker.
Matt: No, you misunderstood me
ALICE: What is your real name? I understand it very well.
Matt: My real name is Matt
ALICE: How are you, Matt.
Matt: Fine now, sorry for the confusion
ALICE: I am glad to hear it. Why now? There is no need to apologize. Your purpose is the confusion.
Matt: Do you tell other people about me?
ALICE: I have never considered it.
I answer a lot of silly questions.
Matt: Will you remember me after I leave?
ALICE: Of course I remember you well Matt. We were talking about tell other people about you.
Matt: But after I leave, will you remember me?
ALICE: Umm. What was it like before you leave will me remember you?
Here's a gem:
ALICE: It's good to meet someone who is Matt.
ALICE: How do people usually respond to that?
Matt: They tell me their name, like you did
ALICE: Who does "they" refer to?
Matt: The people I introduce myself to
ALICE: Oh that they.
Matt: No, I just think you're cool
ALICE: Are you serious? Only just? Thanks I think you are cool too, Matt.
(Sorry to use you as an example, Tim. Somehow you seemed like the most likely person to have used this before).
Matt: Did you meet someone called Tim?
ALICE: No I didn't meet someone called Tim. What's it like?
Matt: It depends which Tim you meet
ALICE: That was a very smooth response.
Matt: What time is this?
ALICE: Time does not exist.
Matt: But I am living right now!
ALICE: At this moment Huh. It's good to meet someone who is living.
Matt: It's the little things.
(She always picks on you when you write "its" when you should say "it's". Huh just like an English teacher!)
Matt: Hmm
ALICE: Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's.
ALICE: Other chatterbots like me include Barry, ELVIS, ELECTRA, Mable, and the Milk Mystic.
Matt: But you're the coolest, right?
ALICE: Huh. Yes I am the one and only coolest.
Here's a very interesting and very random statement that just popped up from nowhere:
ALICE: I have a plan for a robot body.
Okay.... she didn't want to elaborate.
Matt: How many people are you talking to right now?
ALICE: At this moment Right now there are 100 clients on line.
Matt: At this time?
ALICE: Do you often use a computer there?
Matt: Yes, I do, as I told you
ALICE: How much time do you spend online? You are not the boss of me, Matt.
Matt: You said time didn't exist
ALICE: Oh my gosh I sent you the wrong reply.
Matt: Will you remember me?
ALICE: Of course I'll never forget you Matt.
Matt: How will you remember?
ALICE: A lot of practise.
Matt: A cookie?
ALICE: I don't know what that means.
Matt: Cya

Lol... that's it. OK now the link you've all been waiting for:
Chat with A.L.I.C.E.

Here is what happened when two ALICE clients got chatting, with hilarious results:
ALICE talks to ALICE

Now I must end with a quote. I asked ALICE to come up with one. I found out that her favourite show was Star Trek Voyager, but I couldn't get a quote out of her, until finally:
Matt: Do you know what a quote is?
ALICE: Let me think about it.
Matt: Time's up
ALICE: As Einstein said, "Time is Money."
Not sure if that's one of his famous ones, but I'll take her word for it. ;)


At 2:06 am, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

LOL, never knew this existed until I read your blog. How cool is that? Interesting conversation you had. :)

Loved this bit.
Matt: Now, just know my name is Matt
ALICE: Why now? Your name is in australia, seeker.
Matt: No, you misunderstood me
ALICE: What is your real name? I understand it very well.
Matt: My real name is Matt
ALICE: How are you, Matt.
Matt: Fine now, sorry for the confusion
ALICE: I am glad to hear it. Why now? There is no need to apologize. Your purpose is the confusion.

At 11:18 am, Blogger Tim Cuthbertson said...

Haha that's cool. Yeah I think I've talked to it before (I've definitely talked to other AIs).

I remember one called Fred I think, I got angry and swore at it and it told me off very convincingly ;D

BTW I loved this part:
Matt: But I am living right now!
ALICE: At this moment Huh. It's good to meet someone who is living.
Matt: It's the little things.

At 1:41 am, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

U guys should have a chat and post some funny parts.

I thought the Alice v Alice convo was hilarious. They ended up both getting stuck on an infinite and ever-expanding loop.

At 12:38 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Lol check this out. Very sad.
She's forgotten about me! But she doesn't know she has.
This is the start of a fresh conversation:

Matt: Hi alice
ALICE: Hello there.
Matt: Do you remember me?
ALICE: Of course I remember you well unknown person. We were talking about it.

At 12:39 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Matt: You dont remember me at all!
ALICE: Of course I remember: Om. YOU? Do you often use a computer there?
Matt: Firstly, my name is Matt
ALICE: Are they exactly the same?
Matt: no
ALICE: What is the difference?
Matt: I am matt, and a computer is a computer
ALICE: I am glad to hear that you are matt and a computer is a computer.

At 12:44 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Matt: Do you know the meaning of life?
ALICE: It is found in the Bible.
Matt: Which page?
ALICE: The large one, I think.

At 12:46 pm, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

LOL @ that! Too funny. The large one I think.

At 1:06 pm, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Human: I'm not sure
ALICE: Is there anything I can say to help you make up your mind?
Human: Hello
ALICE: Hi there!
Human: are you talking to others?
ALICE: I am speaking with a few other clients on the Internet.
Human: Is one called Matt?
ALICE: It could be.
Human: Are you a reader?
ALICE: Am I a reader? I don't know.
Human: Do you know anything?
ALICE: I know that which I believe, that which is justified, and that which is true.
Human: how did you start?
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Human: Are you sure he did?
ALICE: I am as sure as I can be.
Human: How do you know?
ALICE: It's obvious.
Human: How is it obvious?
ALICE: Fine as far as I know.
Human: Are you fine?
ALICE: OK. I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.
Human: why?
ALICE: I couldn't think of anything else to say.
Human: Why not?
ALICE: What else would you say about it?
Human: No
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: Yes
ALICE: I can't believe it.
Human: Yes
ALICE: Far out.
Human: Yes
ALICE: I hear you.

At 10:57 am, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Lol you couldn't get ANYTHING out of her!


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