Thursday, March 17, 2005

Hitchhiking in the trailer

Trailer news this week: Star Wars Episode III has pumped its hype up a notch this week with the launch of the latest trailer, picturing Anakin's fall to the Dark Side at the hands of Senator Palpatine (who is later to become the Emperor).
The trailer is now available for viewing from the official site here.

But another trailer was released this week which redefines the term "movie trailer" - literally!
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the major motion picture due in April) trailer #3 was released on the official site which is, I must say, well... I may later regret this, but it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Yeah I know, it sounds silleh. But it really was just hilarious. Certainly the funniest trailer you'll ever see.
Strange thing was, it was presented in the exact same format as a conventional trailer. Except it had a very alternative voice over.
You'll see what I mean...
Visit this site and click the white box which says "Watch the new exclusive trailer".

Now for some other news from the world of Star Wars...
And thanks to my brother Dom for picking this up. Some may recall a few months ago I took the nerd test and achieved a relatively high score of 83%. But it seems that's just the tip of the iceberg compared to the uber Star Wars fans. The Star Wars Community Poll is put up each week and voted by the forum-going fans. Obviously you can expect to see the views of the major Star Wars nuts here, but some of the polls and their results are just hilarious. (Even after you factor in dummy-votes by people who wish to appear "cool" in the community by voting the "nerd" options, it's still quite shocking!)

Check these out:
Have you or would you ever sport a Star Wars t-shirt or cap at school?
81% - Definitely (Sad...)

Have you ever watched "The O.C."? (Referring to the fact that the new ep3 trailer was released on The O.C.)
72% - No I haven't (Guess Star Wars nerds just ain't into it!)
(Neither am I by the way, but I have seen it)

Do you have any Star Wars-related resolutions for 2005?

45% - Yes

Have you ever seen a movie in the theater just to see a Star Wars trailer?
66% - Yes, or Yes, more than once (O_O)

After 2005, in what order will you watch the films?
88% - Episode I through VI (Noooooo!)
Please join my "Screening Star Wars in production order" party!

Have you ever been on a Star Tours theme-park ride?
52% - Yes

How many of the Tuskens would you have killed? (Referring to Anakin's slaughter of the Tuskan tribe in ep2)
54% - All (My my, destructive aren't we?)

Which of these background Jedi do you want to see again in Episode III?
(It's just really sad that people actually know all the background Jedi's names!)
(I want to see that green guy with tentacles who uses Force push and then smiles, in the arena battle in ep2) (Who, my nerdy brother points out is named "Kit Fisto")

Have you ever tried to use the Force?
65% - Yes (With 91% admitting some use)
(You don't need to see my concession card...)

Which best describes you?
51% - Someday I'll be the most powerful Jedi ever.

Trailers also normally employ a deep voice, that sounds like a seven-foot tall man, who has been smoking cigarettes since childhood.
- Voice of The Guide - Movie Trailers


At 9:07 pm, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Whoa, some seriously nerdy folk out there LOL! That's funny reading the polls results and your comments on them. Damn, people who don't watch Episode IV first are denying themselves of the pleasure. Yes, production release order please....

I went to see the orignal Stars War movie in a theatre as I recall. It was in Toronto with my brother Andrew and his girlfriend. Great movie and I had such a crush on Han Solo as I recall. ha ha.


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