The Force is strong with this one
It's up and coming. Frankly, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was so awesome that it put a dampener on Star Wars III for me, but it will be cool anyhow!
Inspired by Toria's list of Star Wars things, I've come up with my own.
So without further ado, I present:
You know you're a Star Wars nerd when...
- Your teacher's mind tricks do not work on you, only on the weak-minded.
- When you approach automatic doors, you wave your hand, pretending to be Forcing them apart.
- You wave your hand at the tram conductors and say, "you don't need to see my metcard."
- You have to concentrate to speak normal english... when left to your own devices you speak like Yoda.
- When you tell stories, you start at chapter four, and eventually get around to telling the beginning. And of course, each chapter begins with "a long time ago in a <insert witty noun here> far far away...."
- "All riders must wear a helmet." You wonder why nobody else is protecting their heads with a full black mask and breathing apparatus.
- Naturally, the girl you are after just happens to be your separated-at-birth twin sister, and the guy who is trying to kill you is your separated-at-your-birth father.
- You brag that you have a higher midichlorian count than all your friends.
- You will not respond to anyone who doesn't address you as "Jedi Master" or "Darth" (personal preference).
- You got very upset on the DVD to notice that Han now shoots Greedo four frames earlier than he did in the previous release.
- You sat watching the DVD with a notepad, taking down all the differences between that version and the previous release, which you knew off by heart.
- You have a Jar Jar Binks voodoo torture doll.
- Some day you will be the most powerful Jedi ever. Some day...
Feel free to add your own in comments.
Oh and you have to see this GameSpot video review for Star Wars III the game. It's very funny... although I think partly the guy was upset for having the movie spoilt for him ;)
Click Video Review here
And I quote thusly:
"You know, the one sure fire way to know that your film-to-license products might have become a bit on the stagnant side is when the LEGO version of said license products is a hellavalot more entertaining than the supposedly authentic version."
- Alex Navarro, Associate Editor, Gamespot
cool video review
i was actally planning on buying lego starwars when it drops dramatically in price.
he he awesome list my friend and fellow Star Wars nut :) I say that with a huge grin on said face. Yes, your list is much more original than mine! I stole mine and didn't attribute it correctly O_O Will correct that later on, promise.
Lego Starwars are good for girls too! Good plan Andrew!
Have fun cuddling in your StarWars sheets ;)
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