Saturday, September 24, 2005

Myst Day!

Let all celebrate... today (September 24th) is the twelfth anniversary of the release of our favourite game MYST. It's especially important this year, with the release of the final game in the series just four days ago.

In semi-related news, I HAVE MYST V!!!!! It is really really awesome! Wait...
it is
while (1)

I got it this morning, after calling up EB and having them tell me they "didn't have it and didn't know when it was coming, please go away," they called me back an hour later to say it was in! Collector's Edition for me thanks. Nice book, not really worth 150 pages for the amount of "stuff" that's in it... but the DVD is good, a REAL DVD-Video for your TV's player, and the making-of should be awesome from what I've seen.

One thing that surprised me is how good the acting is. You wouldn't expect good acting from 3D models, but it is (they did a few special tricks to make them real). As Atrus wrote fairly oddly on the box of the original Myst, "I dare not write further without revealing too much." I suppose that means he didn't want to spoil you.

In other news, some CDs are complete bastards to get out of their cases the first time. I'm not talking about Myst V here... oh no, that is a DVD. But, my brother got one that was very stuck. And you know what you need to get it out?

Ironically enough, it's the Word/Useful Item of the Day for Saturday, September 24th is:
n. threezer
  1. Like a tweezer, but with three uniformly-distributed arms instead of two: Hand me that threezer, I need to get this damn CD out of it's case and it's not budging!

I figure it's so useful it only needs one definition. :p
By the way for anyone wondering how useful it might be, the CD case has three little plastic prongs holding the CD in place in the center. You need to squeeze them all in at the same time. It's hella useful!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Talk like a pirate!
Yo ho! Yesterday was Talk Like A Pirate Day! If ye missed it, t'is a shame, but ne'er fear, it'll come 'round again! Seriously, t'was the most fun I've had in many moons! Had loads of piratey mates around fer a party at my place, then we wen't off to the Terminus pub where some friends of ours played in a piratey band. Everyone in the pub was yarring and arring the whole time, t'was impressive! And then, round to Mel's for a hearty viewing of Pirates of the Carribbean.

Thanks t' everyone fer comin! Ye scallywags that bailed, arr ye shall walk the plank!

One thing: I've no idea how pirates keep their voices workin'... ye'd go hoarse from all the yarr'in! Which is o' course the reason why the Word o' the Day fer Monday, September 19th (Talk Like A Pirate Day, every year and don't ye be fergettin' it!) was:
expl. arr
  1. Expression of an emotion, whichever it be: Arr, the sea be choppy today!

  2. A word ye use just fer the heck of it: Arr, there is seawater in me pants!

  3. The rating fer a particularly gruesome pirate film! I saw a pirate film yesterday; it be rated ARR!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

WOTD: Mornglal

Avast! Tomorrow is International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Be sure to be talking like one all day, or ye'll be scrubbin' the decks of Davey Jones' Locker!

On an unrelated note, the word of the day for Pirate-Day-Eve, Sunday, September 18th, is:
adj. mornglal
  1. Normal, but at the same time, a bit distorted, if that's at all possible: "How are you?" "Ehh... mornglal."
n. mornglal
  1. That little mosquito/fly thing that lives in my room: Mornglal! Please get the hell out!

  2. An extraordinarily bad typo: Finally, everything's back to mornglal... er normal. Oops, mornglal!
Talk like a pirate!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

WOTD: Fgussf

It's MAJOR ASSIGNMENT season! For some reason 3 subjects all want assignments in this week. That means increased stress, increased sales of chocolate, and increased segfaults!!!

To this end, the very-long-awaited Word of the Day for Tuesday, September 13 is:
v. intr. fgussf
  1. (Fricken Giving Up, Stupid Seg-Fault!) To wantonly give up on a programming project due to the repeated presence of segmentation faults: That's it! I'm fgussfing!

  2. Not laughing your ass off: lol, woops, did something wrong, my test cases almost all failed :P fgussf!

  3. The way in which operating systems laugh their ass off: When Unix/Linux reports "Segmentation Fault", internally, it is fgussfing.

Fortunately, number 2 is a paraphrase, the person who said it (who shall remain nameless) actually was laughing his or her ass off, which is lucky. Asses are better when off.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

End of Cyan

Twelve years ago, a bunch of guys in a garage in Spokane made a game which changed the face of multimedia forever, and ushered in a new era of computer-generated imagery. The game was Myst.

Today, after five sequels, three novels, and twelve years, the dream is over. Cyan Worlds have laid off all but of their employees and the company is being brought to a close. The announcement was made earlier on GreyDragon's blog.

Cyan's games have been getting less and less profitable each time. The world isn't interested in adventure games any more. Uru Live (Cyan's big MMO game that was cancelled before it began) was the last straw. The problem as always, is money, because Cyan's games have always been top-notch.

The announcement comes just after Cyan finished work on the final Myst game, and their final game, Myst V: End of Ages. The game, published by Ubisoft, will be in stores later this month, and I encourage everyone to play this final journey through the ages.

Goodbye Rand, RAWA, Tony, GreyDragon, and everyone else who's made Myst great over the dozen years!
"There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!"
- Comic Book Guy