Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Talk like a pirate!
Yo ho! Yesterday was Talk Like A Pirate Day! If ye missed it, t'is a shame, but ne'er fear, it'll come 'round again! Seriously, t'was the most fun I've had in many moons! Had loads of piratey mates around fer a party at my place, then we wen't off to the Terminus pub where some friends of ours played in a piratey band. Everyone in the pub was yarring and arring the whole time, t'was impressive! And then, round to Mel's for a hearty viewing of Pirates of the Carribbean.

Thanks t' everyone fer comin! Ye scallywags that bailed, arr ye shall walk the plank!

One thing: I've no idea how pirates keep their voices workin'... ye'd go hoarse from all the yarr'in! Which is o' course the reason why the Word o' the Day fer Monday, September 19th (Talk Like A Pirate Day, every year and don't ye be fergettin' it!) was:
expl. arr
  1. Expression of an emotion, whichever it be: Arr, the sea be choppy today!

  2. A word ye use just fer the heck of it: Arr, there is seawater in me pants!

  3. The rating fer a particularly gruesome pirate film! I saw a pirate film yesterday; it be rated ARR!


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