Saturday, September 03, 2005

End of Cyan

Twelve years ago, a bunch of guys in a garage in Spokane made a game which changed the face of multimedia forever, and ushered in a new era of computer-generated imagery. The game was Myst.

Today, after five sequels, three novels, and twelve years, the dream is over. Cyan Worlds have laid off all but of their employees and the company is being brought to a close. The announcement was made earlier on GreyDragon's blog.

Cyan's games have been getting less and less profitable each time. The world isn't interested in adventure games any more. Uru Live (Cyan's big MMO game that was cancelled before it began) was the last straw. The problem as always, is money, because Cyan's games have always been top-notch.

The announcement comes just after Cyan finished work on the final Myst game, and their final game, Myst V: End of Ages. The game, published by Ubisoft, will be in stores later this month, and I encourage everyone to play this final journey through the ages.

Goodbye Rand, RAWA, Tony, GreyDragon, and everyone else who's made Myst great over the dozen years!
"There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!"
- Comic Book Guy


At 9:05 pm, Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Yeah, there's no emoticon for the sadness, the despair we all feel. It's like something really close and personal died when I heard the news. Forever, now, Myst V will be tinged with sadness. But even still, it'll be a great game.

At 8:21 pm, Blogger Tyson said...

Wow thats really bad news. I woe the closure of yet another top-notch games company fried by corporate manipulation of peoples habits. If only all information was free and equal; and advertising died a horrible death...

At 9:01 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Amen Tyson!


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