Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Thou Shalt Not Defecate The Internet

Found an.... interesting site here. OK Tim found it, but I blogged it!
Net Authority seems to be a fairly radical kind/caring "let's clean up the Internet, so as it conforms to God's will" site.

As with a lot of these things (let's take "Intelligent Design" for an example), the principles are... well, fairly sound (if a bit radical), but in my opinion I wish they would stop bringing GOD into things.
If you have ever read an acceptable use policy before, you are probably aware that they are long, drawn-out documents often written in highly obfuscated language intended more for confusing the reader than actually providing useful information. Since this policy applies to the entire Internet, we felt that it should be spelled out as simply and as universally understandable as possible.
Which, of course, is why the clauses begin with "Thou shalt not"......

Here's the policy: The Internet: Acceptable Use Policy.
Note: You must accept this policy to begin using The Internet. Failure to comply may result in a temporary or permanent ban!!!
(I said that, it's not a quote)

We're not going to wrap it up in legal mumbo-jumbo, oh no. Oh, except for this bit here:
Posting information or content in any form on the Internet constitutes acceptance of and agreement to the Net Authority Internet Acceptable Use Policy.

So there you go. This very minute, by me writing this, I am accepting to this policy. Umm... I really hope you aren't thinking about sexual things due to anything I've written, or I could go to jail!!!
4. Thou shalt not post materials of an offensive political nature.
Damn you Bush!

OK I think I've had my fun. We think this site may be a joke, but it's hard to tell. There are definitely people out there who think like this. If you are one of them, please feel free to leave a comment ;)

And now, if you'll excuse me, I believe I'm going to hell. Goodbye.


At 1:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a joke.

Whois indicates that it is registered to Rudis Muiznieks.

Rudis Muiznieks' website is at http://www.rudism.com/

It contains this section: http://www.rudism.com/projects.shtml#netauthority

Good find, though. I hadn't seen netauthority before.

At 2:01 am, Blogger Tim Cuthbertson said...

Hooray for anon and his/her detective skills!

(it could hardly be a legit site though...)

And technically, I found it because a link you sent me magically redirected itself to that site. So really, the internet found it for us ;)

At 9:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wikipedia ("too offensive for preview"), AOL and the Prime Minister of Australia's website are listed on the Offenders Database. Classic.

At 12:03 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Ahh, thanks for clearing that up, Anon (if that IS your real name).

I did a whois but couldn't find anything which suggested it wasn't real. Still, reading some of those pages kinda gave us some clues ;)

At 11:25 pm, Blogger Andrew said...

As with a lot of these things (let's take "Intelligent Design" for an example), the principles are... well, fairly sound (if a bit radical)

fairly sound? okaaaaaaaaaay then

anyway... hoooray for new blog posts

At 9:01 pm, Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

"fairly sound" : ok well, a theory which might represent a viable alternative upon first inspection, IF the religious crap wasn't introduced into it.

And... you don't blog anymore either! (either that or my RSS reader is broke)

At 1:13 pm, Blogger Tyson said...

Intelligent design is a fairly acceptable theory. It explains everything, in the way that zero is a solution to every homogeneous differential equation. Its TRIVIAL. It can't be used to discern any other information about the world.

Myself, i prefer to believe in "Stupid Design" (StuD). There exists an omnipotent being who through its own stupidity sat on a big button labelled "create universe". This theory also explains why we are here, and how we came to be here. It can also be said that humans were created in its own image...

At 9:41 pm, Blogger Celestial Vision said...

"# Thou shalt not post materials concerning bestiality, including interracial relationships.

God did not intend for different species or races to intermingle sexually. Any content that contradicts this natural law, directly or indirectly, is strictly forbidden."

I do hope that is a joke......


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